
Streetside Stormwater Harvesting.  
Photo courtesy of
Watershed Management Group



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for a resource to be added to this list,
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Tucson and Pima County Study of Water and Wastewater

The City of Tucson Mayor and Council and the Pima County Board of Supervisors created a multi-year study of water and wastewater infrastructure, supply and planning issues. The ultimate goal of this effort is to assure a sustainable community water source given continuing pressure on water supply caused by population growth. The initial focus of the study is to identify and agree on basic facts related to the condition and capacity of water, wastewater and reclaimed water infrastructure, and the ability of the infrastructure to accommodate existing and future population within the city and county service areas.



Arizona Department of Environmental Quality: Water Quality Division

State of Arizona's environmental division responsible for water quality.

Arizona Department of Water Resources

State of Arizona's department responsible for water in the state.

Arizona Water Science Center

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Web page for the water resources of Arizona; this is your direct link to all kinds of water-resource information.

City of Tucson Office of Conservation and Sustainability

The City of Tucson Office of Conservation and Sustainability collaborates with City departments, businesses, neighborhoods, and other organizations to protect and enhance the integrity of our unique Sonoran Desert ecosystem and improve the environmental quality and livability of the urban environment.

PAG's (Pima Association of Governments) Watershed Planning

PAG’s Watershed Planning focuses on preserving water resources in Pima County. They provide technical and regulatory corrdination assistance to local jurisdictions, facilitate and run regional stormwater pollution prevention outreach, research and monitor valuable riparian areas, and plan areawide wastewater treatment.

Pima County Drought Management

Pima County government has a website for coordinating information on drought.

Pima County Regional Flood Control District

The Pima County Regional Flood Control District strives to use forward-looking floodplain management practices to minimize flood and erosion damages for all county residents, property and infrastructure. Regionally, the District is involved in a variety of flood monitoring, flood control and natural resource management activities.

Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (RWRD)

RWRD provides design, management, and maintenance of the sanitary sewer system, including the conveyance and treatment systems (3400+ miles of sewer, three metropolitan wastewater treatment plants and eight sub-regional facilities).


SmartScape is a landscape water conservation program funded by City of Tucson Water and facilitated by Pima County Cooperative Extension.

Tucson Water

Tucson Water - a department of the City of Tucson, Arizona, serving approximately 775,000 people in a 350-square-mile service area.




The vision of SAHRA (Sustainability of semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas) is to develop an integrated, multidisciplinary understanding of the hydrology of semi-arid regions, and to build partnerships with a broad spectrum of stakeholders (both public agencies and private organizations) so that this understanding is effectively applied to the management of water resources and to the rational implementation of public policy.

University of Arizona Institute for the Environment

This is the clearinghouse for all environmental research at the University of Arizona.

University of Arizona Associated Students (Sustainability)

The University of Arizona Controlled Environment Agriculture Center

Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is the production of plants and their products, such as vegetables and flowers, inside structures such as greenhouses. By using CEA, we can produce high value crops at maximum productivity in an efficient and environmentally friendly way. The University of Arizona's Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (CEAC) supports education, research and outreach as part of the Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering and the School of Plant Sciences - both programs of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. CEAC also offers an innovation platform for plant physiology, sensor technology and applied computer technology.

University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC)

The University of Arizona's Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) promotes understanding of critical state and regional water management and policy issues through research, community outreach and public education.



Mrs. Green's World

Welcome to Mrs. Green’s World where we don’t tell you what to think, we just want you to. Join us each week to learn everything from simple tips to live green to living life in balance. You will hear cutting edge leaders from around the world sharing exciting information about energy, technology, automobiles, healthy living, fashion and more. Listen to Mrs. Green’s World live every Saturday at noon (AZ time).

Who's Green?

Who's Green? provides Southern Arizona with resources, ideas and information that will guide each of us in making greener choices for ourselves, and our family.

Tucson Green Times

Local Tucson paper and website devoted to green issues in Tucson.


Alliance for Water Efficiency

The Alliance is a broad-based non-profit organization located in Chicago. Its mission is to promote the efficient and sustainable use of water, by bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders throughout North America to advocate for wise water use. Join us!

American Water Works Association

AWWA is the authoritative resource on safe water in North America and beyond. We've been dedicated to protecting public health for over 125 years.

International Center for Water Technology

The International Center for Water Technology (ICWT) is a public/private partnership that was established to provide education and research to assist in developing and adopting innovative solutions and technologies that improve water eficiency.

Sonoran Institute

The Sonoran Institute inspires and enables community decisions and public policies that respect the land and people of western North America.

Sonoran Permaculture Guild, Bean Tree Farm and Learning Center

Sonoran Permaculture Guild offers hands-on classes, workshops and internships integrating home/neighborhood design, rainwater-fed local food production systems and related skills training which empowers participants to plan and create a healthy future.

Sustainable Tucson, Water Group

“We believe that the path to sustainability can only be achieved by involving the full community in lifestyle changes that preserve or enhance our quality of life while reducing our consumption of energy and other resources.

The Nature Conservancy, AZ Field Office

The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.

Tucson Audubon

Tucson Audubon connects people to their natural environment. Focusing on birds and other wildlife, we inspire and motivate people to conserve natural resources in southern AZ for use and enjoyment by all.

Tucson Botanical Gardens

The Tucson Botanical Gardens promotes responsible and appropriate use of plants and water in a desert environment through education and demonstration and provides a place of beauty and tranquility for Tucson residents and visitors.

Water Casa

Be creative, Have Fun, Save Water. Promoting the efficient use of water, our most precious resource. The collaborative voice of Tucson are water providers on water conservation issues. Striving to enhance the public's awareness and understanding of water conservation issues, methods and practices.

Watershed Management Group

Watershed Management Group (WMG) develops community-based solutions to ensure the long-term prosperity of people and health of the environment. We provide people with the knowledge, skills, and resources for sustainable livelihoods.


Presented By


TUCSON ARTS BRIGADE, INC. (TAB) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit participatory service-based community arts and education organization that specializes in Green Arts, offering intergenerational and cross-cultural opportunities for civic engagement. TAB facilitates dialogue and employs arts-based solutions to complex community issues including graffiti, bullying, crime, drug use, health and wellness, empowering youth and elders, beautification, sustainable design, and revitalizing neighborhoods. Bringing together schools, neighborhoods, civic agencies, businesses, and other non-profits, TAB is a national model for sustainable community development through the arts. MORE INFO: